And it’s a wrap! Another awesome workshop series. Last class was Duet Night! Videos coming soon and will schedule a new series. Check in if you want to join us!

Please be on time. Do not come up early, as you may interrupt someone else’s lesson. Be respectful of my time, your fellow students and your own career development in scheduling lessons and keeping your commitment!
48 hours’ (2 business days) notice required for cancellation or 50% lesson cost. Canceling with less than 24 hours’ notice (1 business day) requires payment in full. Every effort is made to reschedule. Exceptions are made (once per student) for sudden contagious illness or callbacks.
The life of an actor is complicated in this stressful city! Cancellation policy is not meant to penalize, but to encourage students commit to their studies, make progress, and respect the instructor’s time. Let me know immediately if there is any potential conflict or you are not feeling well. If you are contagious, we’ll reschedule. If you are not contagious but your voice is less than 100%, come to your lesson. You’ll develop strategies for off days, as you will have to perform under similar conditions when committed to performing in a show.
Students who attend weekly lessons and don’t let anything distract them from their progress vastly improve their chances of booking professional work.